Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jesus the One and Only

Jesus the One and Only

In 2000 I had the privilege of journeying to Israel and to sit under the teachings of Beth Moore as she filmed “Jesus the One and Only.” I sat in the audience with my bleached blonde hair and my bright red lipstick, soaking in every word that was taught and singing to the top of my lungs in worship to my Savior. I tried to take in everything I saw, tasted, touch and even smelled as I experience the ONE and ONLY birth place of Jesus. I listened, took notes and was encouraged and challenge as I was taught by my favorite Bible Study teacher, the ONE and Only Beth Moore. But at the same time, I was longing and my heart was broken by the person that I thought was my One and Only!!

Today in 2012 as I watched myself (bless my heart) on the DVD, I could not help but want to scream out to my then 23 year old self…It is going to be okay! I did not know it back in 2000 when my heart was breaking from being dumped by my college boyfriend, of two years, what exciting journey God had in store for me. I did not realize at the time both the trials and triumphs that would come my way in the next 12 years and how much I would go back to the simple but profound truth that Jesus is the ONE and ONLY!

2001- Our world changed on 9/11 and I feared my brother was on the Boston bound plane. Who gave me peace and my brother protection, Jesus the One and ONLY

2004- On December 16, God in His grace and mercy chose to take my precious nephew home to be with him. Who was it that my family trusted in during our darkest hours of grief, Jesus the One and ONLY

2006- On March 25th, I married my best friend Adam and the memories of that boy that broke my heart were just that a memory. In that amazing moment of when two became one, in whom did I rejoice, Jesus was the One and Only

2007 and 2008 When my body felt broken and my heart and soul were desperate for a baby, who did I cling to, Jesus the One and Only

December 30, 2008 My precious preemie was born, so little and so fragile. I was so scared and so worried. Who was my refuge and my strength, who did I run to in my fear, anger, sadness, happiness and joy, Jesus the One and Only

Present Day. When I am dancing around the kitchen to praise songs with my miracle daughter, Ava; When I am laughing again at one of Adam’s joke; When I am sitting on the beach
with my parents, brother, sister in law and neice and nephew, and Adam and Ava; When I am sitting quietly by myself, study Gods word. Who am I thanking, studying about, worshipping, amazed by….Jesus the ONE AND ONLY!!!

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