Sunday, January 31, 2010

All the right ingredients

In cooking, whether it is a cake, casserole, or crockpot meal, if you follow the recipe correctly, you get what you expect...something delicious. Many times as Christians we walk through life this way. We feel that if you do good things, good things should happen to you. If you do bad things, bad things should happen to you. This is not believing in Christ, this is believing in Karma! God's word says, "ALL things work together for good." It does not say that all things are good. As a Christian you may think that if I pray, study the Bible, attend worship services, sing in the choir and serve in "Awana", then good things should happen in your life. So what do you do when you face cancer, divorce, infertility, the loss of a loved one or a sick child? You continue to trust in the Lord! Remember that scripture says, "All things work TOGETHER." The good, the bad and the ugly. All of the situations in your life, whether they bring joy or pain, are for your good. Most of all the good and bad experiences in our life are used to bring glory to God Be encouraged in knowing that the unexpected ingredients that have been added to your recipe are being used to spice up your life!

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